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Boys and Girls – All Soocer Skills Levels
July 03rd – July 29th (4 weeks)

Early drop 8:30 am e pick up until 1:00 pm.

    I am an individual registering:

    (Please select the desired registration type to continue)

    For Week $220For Mounth $800

    Camper's Name*



    Date of birth*

    Parent's Name*

    Phone number 1*

    Phone number 2*


    Please select the weeks you want to register:*

    Week 1 (July 3rd to 6th) - Fun with soccerWeek 2 (July 10th to 13th) - High performance soccerWeek 3 (July 17th to 20th) - World CupWeek 4 (July 24th to 27th) - Holiday farewell week

    If you are registering for a Single Day please specify the date:


    Authorized persons for pick-up:

    Name & Phone number

    Each authorized person must be at least 16 years of age. The above-named child will not be permitted to leave the facility with anyone who is not listed below. Authorized individuals must pick up the child in person and may be requested to show identification to program staff.*


    Name & Phone number


    Please enter notes for special circumstances or comments to our staff here. Ex: allergies

    Registration Agreement

    In enrolling at CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY, participant understands that he/she attending the programs and using CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY and the facilities does so at his/her own risk. CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY and its owners, employees or agents, shall not be liable for any damage whatsoever arising from any personal injury or property loss sustained by participant with his/her family in or about any programs on the premises.

    Participants and parents assume full responsibility for all injuries and damages which occur in or about any programs on the premises, He/She does hereby fully and forever release discharged hold harmless CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY, all associated facilities and its owner, employees, and agents from any and all claims, demands, damages or rights of action, present or future resulting from any person’s participation in any programs or use of the facility.

    Initial registration fees are not subject to a refund. In addition, he/she agree(s) to follow the rules of conduct and play set byCORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY. Failure to do so may result in suspension from participation.

    Consent: I the undersigned parent or guardian/participant do hereby grant authority to the staff at CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY to render a judgement concerning medical assistance or hospital care in the event of an accident or illness during my absence. I do hereby authorize CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY and its assigns to utilize any and all photographs, pictures or other likeness of me or anyone assigned guardianship to me, as they deem appropriate in its promotional materials or team films.

    I do hereby that me/ my child is not having any signs or symptoms of respiration infection, including difficulty breathing, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat; also he/she didn't travel outside USA on the past 14 days and didn't have shortness of breath or had any contact with COVID-19 patient.

    By registering, you also agree to receive emails from CORINTHIANS SOCCER ACADEMY.

    Terms & conditions.*

    I agree to the terms of service.

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